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Weekly Motivator – Determination

This week’s motivating word is #determination. The definition of determination is firmness of purpose; resoluteness. My story of determination involves my move two years ago to Indiana for work. It took a lot of guts and faith to jump in head first and agree to move to the other side of the country and to an area that I have never been to in all 24 years of my life.

Are you desperate or determined- With desperation comes frustration. With determination comes purpose, achievement, and peace….png

It all started in April of 2015 when I was approached with the option to move to Indiana when the company I was working with decided it was best for the company to move their entire corporation to Indianapolis, Indiana. It was a normal day, until I was pulled into my manager’s office and approached with the possibility to move with the company.

In his words, they couldn’t find anyone to replace me and they didn’t want to train someone new for the new facility. This move required me to move from Los Angeles, California to Indianapolis, Indiana…over 2,000 miles away. To be honest, when I was first asked, I laughed at how well things were working out at that moment. It was incredible timing because my husband and I had just started discussing plans of moving out of California the week prior to being approached about the option to move to Indiana.

I definitely showed interest in the move right away, as we were planning to move out of state at the time. I text my husband shortly after I left the meeting and asked him what he thought of the idea of moving to Indiana to follow the company. His response was short, sweet, and to the point – “Let’s do it.”

No concerns, no talking about it, just “Let’s do it.” My husband’s undying confidence is the best thing about him and the absolute polar opposite from my normally shy, timid nature. Within two days, the final offer had come through for us to move with the company to Indianapolis. It was a fantastic offer and there was no way we could turn it down.

Then came the timeline…I was needed in the office as soon as possible. This meant my start day was decided to be June 16th, 2015 and we were flying out June 15th, 2015. So, only six weeks from the initial offer to the final move date and our new start in a state we never even saw prior to that day.

Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it.

“Crazy”, “Insane”, “Stupid”, “Selfish”….all words thrown at us after we made the announcement that we were moving out of state and away from everything and everyone we had ever known for a job I had held for fourteen months. To me, that did not matter and I couldn’t let it matter. Ultimately, I knew it was what was best for my husband, my daughter and myself and that’s all that could matter.

I was determined to make this happen and let nothing stand in the way. As hurdles arose, I reached out to my senior management team and they jumped at the chance to help me push through and rise up to take the opportunity.

When we had difficulty finding an apartment, they were alongside me during the entire search until we finally had success.

When we didn’t have a car to get to our new home from the airport, they were right there ready to pick us up.

When we didn’t have any way of getting our personal belongings to our new home, they immediately offered to load our stuff onto the company moving truck and transport it to Indiana for free.

Ultimately, they were determined to keep me on the team and I had to be determined to not let obstacles stand in the way. To not let bumps in the road detour my new start. This company saw something in me that I could never see for myself and I had to match their determination move for move to take advantage of an opportunity of a lifetime.

More than two years have passed since our move to Indiana and I never have a single regret about that day. The day I agreed to move to Indiana with this company, I found out how strong my determination was and how much I desired a fresh start and was willing to do anything to get to that start.

Determination will get you everywhere in life, as long as you focus on your desire to succeed. No matter how many obstacles get in your way, you have to stay steadfast and focused on your end game. Whether that’s following a job across the country or starting a new career. Determination will get you to your ultimate goal every single time.

Motivation · Uncategorized

Never Be Scared to Fail!

When beginning a business or starting out on any new project or task, it’s always scary to fail. The thought of failure can be terrifying for any task or project.

Ultimately, not failing may mean you are not trying hard enough. Staying safe will never lead you to greatness. Getting out there and putting your nose to the grindstone to grow your project and get your name out there will have bumps in the road.

Your ultimate choice is to let one failure derail your entire plan and road to success or take that failure and learn how to do things differently and grow even more successful than you could ever imagine.

As Tom Kelley says, “Fail often so you can succeed sooner.” If you fail often and keep moving, you will get to the goal of greatness much faster.

Fail often so you can succeed sooner.

Motivation · Uncategorized

Learn by Doing. #FridayFeeling

You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and falling over..jpg

Trial by fire: A test of one’s abilities to perform well under pressure

The ultimate test of your abilities to grow and learn is to just get down to it and do it! No matter how many times a child fails at walking, they never stop trying until they get it right. This should be the ultimate belief when starting a business or completing a task. You can only be successful when you push through every failure until you have hit your own level of success.

Currently, I am trying to absorb as much knowledge as possible to start my own soap making business. I know very little about soap making and even littler about running my own company. But, that has not deterred me at all. The ultimate feeling of success will come from learning and doing, i.e. – trial by fire.


Entrepreneurship Quotes – Food for #ThursdayThoughts

The above quotes have given me some inspiration in the recent weeks. I have decided, as of recent, that I am really no longer satisfied in working hard and kicking ass for someone else and padding their bottom line.

I am in the works to open my own business making soaps and other cosmetic supplies. Currently, I am learning all I can about what all it takes to start a business and what all I need to start and succeed at this business. The above quotes are inspirational to me on my journey to self-sufficiency and own my path towards being a business owner.

I hope these quotes find you well and inspire you to think differently and encourage you to chase the real you and fulfill your dreams!

Motivation · Uncategorized

Giving Up is for Rookies!

Giving up is for rookies.

This simple phrase from Disney’s 1997 movie, Hercules, brings a poignant point home. The successful don’t give up, no matter how many times they “fail”. Ultimately, you can only call a project a “failure” when you have given up and stopped trying. Otherwise, you have only powered through obstacles, grown for the better, and learned what doesn’t work.

Two other poignant quotes from Thomas Edison – “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that didn’t work.” and Nelson Mandela – “I never lose, I either win or learn.” drive this point home as well. These two quotes prove that failing is never the end, it’s just the beginning of a new start.


Why Do We Love Motivational Quotes

As humans, we love to have role models and someone to look up to at one point or another. We love to see someone else’s success and dreams roll out for them and dream that we could possibly attain that same level of success.

Why Inspirational Quotes Motivate Us is a great post about how us humans love motivational quotes and why they are great inspiration for us.

15 Reasons Why We Love Motivational Quotes is another great post about why we love motivational and inspirational quotes.

I started this project as a way to learn and see people grow and find their full potential. I like to watch someone smile and know that it was because of something I did or said.

At work, I listen to motivational playlists and have motivational quotes and imagery posted across my work station. My playlists help me focus and get psyched up for the day ahead of me. The quotes and images help me focus on my reason why. The most important part of using motivational and inspirational quotes is to figure out why you like them and why you want to push to attain greatness.

All in all, I love to read motivational quotes because they are often from someone who is just an average person who pushed themselves to greatness and attained a whole new level of success. Their level of success can be attained by anyone who tries hard enough and pushes through all obstacles.